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RVA Simplex

Join other RVA Hams on VHF(2m) and UHF(70cm) Simplex operations. There are several hams in the area participating. Simplex communications will always been an option even when repeaters are down and it's good to have an understanding of signal coverage areas.

Please see this linked Google spreadsheet for the frequencies that are in use in the RVA area.

Join the #simplex channel on the RVAHams Slack


There is also a new monthly simplex net on the first Friday of each month at 19:00 on the Richmond Simplex frequency 146.490 MHz FM (Carrier Squelch/CSQ/No CTCSS tone). You can also join the net participants on Zoom at

The password will be provided over the air during the net.

All Richmond area amateurs are encouraged to program 146.490 and the other Richmond Simplex frequencies in their base station and mobile radios in addition to the 146.520 National Calling Frequency for general simplex use. Activity on these frequencies is not limited to the monthly net!

contact us

Powhatan Area
Radio CLuB

PO Box 731
Powhatan VA  23139


VHF Voice: 147.315+ 74.4 Modes: FM Fusion, WIRES-X

UHF Voice: 443.350+ Mode: DMR

Digital: 145.730 Packet 

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