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Try out the N4POW DMR repeater.  This repeater is part of the DMRVA network.  Powhatan "Local TG" is full-time linked to Richmond, Petersburg, Beaverdam, and South Hill repeaters.  "Local" is a great place to meet your friends from all across central Virginia. 


Talkgroup and Linked System Etiquette

Operating on a linked repeater network is different than using your local analog system.  Keep in mind that you can impact stations across the state and beyond.  The only talkgroups available on the system are listed on the talkgroup page.  Please verify your programming is consistent with that information.

Examples of things to do on the DMRVA network –

  • Before utilizing the system, have a basic understanding of how it operates.

  • Use the system in moderation so as to leave air time for other operators.

  • Select the appropriate talkgroup before transmitting, and consider the impact of your transmissions.

    • For example – if two users are on the same repeater and want to speak to each other, the best talkgroup to use is Local.

    • If two users are on two different DMRVA repeaters, they could make contact on VA Statewide and then QSY to one of the point to point channels (Tac A/B aka Chat 1/2).

    • Avoid prolonged contacts on the VA Statewide talkgroup.

  • If you desire to speak to a station outside of the DMRVA network, consider using one of the other available talkgroups – such as Tac 310, Southeast, and others.

  • Use Clear Timeslot talkgroup to turn off any PTT activated channels when you are done.

QSY often, and ask if you aren’t sure about what is the best to use for your situation.  If you are using a hotspot, remember you have access to countless more talkgroups.

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